Derek Edgar, the managing director of Edgar Brothers, has been appointed to the Gun Trade Association (GTA) Council.
The GTA is the officially recognised trade body for the protection and promotion of gun trade in the UK, and represents the interests of its 700 members at the highest level. Derek commented that Edgar Brothers has been a member of the GTA for over 30 years now, and that dealers all over the UK should “understand the importance of the work they do.”
Derek said: “Being asked to join the GTA Council is a great honour and I look forward to being part of the team that does so much for the gun trade.”
Chairman of the GTA, Edward King, added: “We are delighted to welcome Derek Edgar onto the GTA Council. Edgar Brothers is a respected and long-established member of the trade, and apart from his wide general experience, Derek has a wealth of knowledge in the field of ammunition and explosives which will be of great benefit to the Association. We are grateful that he has agreed to join the Council and look forward to benefitting from his input.”
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