Following a successful launch last year, the Beretta Young Shots Scheme will offer support to shooters between 16-20 years of age that have been achieving regional success.
Applications open 1 January and close at the end of February. Candidates must complete an application form and provide a reference (parent or shooting instructor), and they could benefit from support in different ways. These include financial support of up to £200 in entry feeds, a Beretta uniform and gear worth £500, the loan of a new competition Beretta shotgun and an option to buy that gun at the end of the year with a £1,000 allowance towards the optional purchase. They will also receive a gun-fitting session and service as required throughout the year.
If you fancy yourself as the next John Lee, Aaron Heading or Joy Hirons, email for an application form.
Is there a program like this in the USA
HI Lee, I’m sure companies offer sponsorship to young shots over there, perhaps moreso than in the UK, but they might not be as well advertised. Try approaching some yourself and building a CV of your accomplishments.
Can you send me a form please.
Please email