OT star Ellie Seward with Jasper Fellows on how shooting takes her around the world. Where were you at 22? I was selling TV’s, desperately trying to scrape together enough commission to cover the weekend’s cartridges while dreaming of travelling…
Olympic Trap shooter Ellie Seward interview
Tagged with: ABT, cartridge, clay, commonwealth games, DTL, ellie seward, European Championships, interview, jasper fellows, junior ot, olympic shooter, Olympic Trap, sessions, shoot, shooting, Shooting Ground, shots, sport, Sporting, Team GB, UT, world, World Championships
Posted in Interview
Posted in Interview
Dedman reigns in the rain at the World Championships
World English goes American – Anthony Matarese Jr wins his first world championship
A spectacular end to the CPSA/NCSA World English Sporting Championships at EJ Churchill Shooting Ground
Tagged with: Anthony Matarese, championship, Cheryl Hall, CPSA, EJ Churchill, English Sporting, martin myers, NSCA, Shooting Ground, world
Posted in Events, News
Posted in Events, News