T’was the month before Christmas and all through the house not a creature was stirring, apart from your mouse as you desperately search for the perfect gift before the 25th. Relax, we’ve got you covered with enough gift ideas to…
hearing protection
Best Christmas gift ideas for clay shooters
Posted in Features, Products
How much is your hearing worth to you? Thanks to regulatory bodies within our sport, shooting is a safe andfamily-friendly environment. However, guns are loud, very loud. Withoutprotection, losing your hearing on the shooting ground remains a veryreal possibility, as…
Posted in News
Trying out the latest hearing protection
James Marchington tries out the latest in electronic hearing protection from Mercury Custom Plugs How times change! As a teenager, my dad lectured me about the importance of protecting my hearing when shooting, and handed me a square of loo roll.…
Posted in Products
10 of the latest pieces of hearing tech
Lloyd Pattison takes you on a journey through the world of hearing protection, from humble foam plugs to the latest technology. Making a loud noise is fun, the louder the better – just ask any kid (and indeed most adults).…
Posted in Features, Products
WATCH: Become a better competition shooter with Premier Guns
For less than £5,000, you can own all the top-end kit you need to perform at the highest level, and Premier Guns’ Matt Morgan can prove it
Posted in Features, News
CENS upgrades hearing protection for wet weather conditions
Posted in Features, News