New research has unveiled that shooting generates £2billion for the economy and provides 74,000 jobs.
Announced on Sunday 6 July’s episode of Countryfile, the report showed that the amount spent on shooting each year (2.5billion) is almost 10 per cent of the total amount spend on outdoor recreation, which highlights the need for the government to invest more in to the industry.
You can watch the episode of Countryfile by clicking here. It spoke to Peter Wilson, who called for a quicker turnaround on shotgun certificate renewals owing to problems when competing.
Nick Fellow’s of the CPSA said: “It is great to see the value of our wider industry identified so comprehensively in this new report. We know target shooting sports are increasing in popularity all the time, particularly clay shooting. With the broad club base and new initiatives to encourage and support young talent, it is a sport that embraces all ages and abilities and it is encouraging to see it in the wider context of a thriving and valuable industry.”
The British Association of Shooting and Conservation has played a big role in putting together this report, and they also released this video regarding the value of shooting.
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