Southern Counties has been refused planning permission by West Dorset District Council to construct a Solar Photovoltaic Park and Associated Equipment on the site.
The refusal, dated 17 December 2014, comes from the desk of director of Environment Dr David Evans and states that the application is “clearly contrary to the highest status of protection afforded to the Dorset AONB, a designation of national importance in relation to landscape and scenic beauty.”
The notice also references the loss of a shooting ground, which is contrary to Policy COM5 of the West Dorset, Weymouth and Portland Draft Local Plan and the National Planning Policy Framework (2012).
Among those consulted is Sport England, who gave two statements on 3 September and 8 December this year against the proposal. English Heritage and Natural England also objected to the change but Wessex Water and the Ministry of Defence were among those who had no objections to the solar farm.
Southern Counties, British Solar Renewables and Alder King Planning Consultants have all been contacted and Clay Shooting magazine is awaiting comment.
Is this a case of left hand and right hand not communicating, OR, Brinkmanship??