Paul Lovick won the Promatic FITASC Series and picked up a Promatic automatic clay trap worth £1,600.
Sporting Targets held a winter FITASC series in January, February, March and April this year with the best three scores from the four shoots to count for the overall High Gun and top shots in each class at the end of the series. Prize money was also awarded in each class at each of the four shoots to boost the overall prize fund.
Each shoot was 100 targets old style and in various layouts across Sporting Targets. Each competition was run over Thursday and Friday, and the series had a good entry and will be run again in 2017.
High Gun Paul Lovick Promatic automatic clay trap worth £1,600
Runner Up Steve Brightwell 1,000 Hull Pro One Cartridges
A-class Jack Lovick 500 Hull Pro One Cartridges
B-class Jamie Harding, Glenn Moore 375 Hull Pro One Cartridges
C-class John Sparrow 500 Hull Pro One Cartridges
D-class Stuart Chester 500 Hull Pro One Cartridges
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