The ISSF has revealed how the event set to replace Men’s Double Trap in the Olympics will work.
Trap Mixed Team will see male-and-female pairs contest three stages: qualification, semi-final and medal matches, much like a current Olympic Trap singles event.
In qualification, each athlete shoots two rounds of 25 targets, with athletes from the same team squadded together.
When all pairs have shot, the top six by combined score progress to the semi-final (with a sudden-death shoot-off breaking any ties). Two semis will take place with three teams in each. Here, each athlete takes on another 25 targets in a short progressive-elimination stage. After 15 targets, the pair with the lowest combined score in each squad is eliminated. The remaining two teams complete the final 10 targets to determine the winner, who progresses to the gold medal match, with the second-placed team heading into the bronze match.
There are another 25 targets in the medal matches, with the highest score determining the winner.
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