Just Cartridges launches app

Clay shooters can have a treat in their Christmas stocking this year, courtesy of Just Cartridges, which is launching a shooting app that is completely free until 31 December.

The innovative Just Cartridges app is a mine of information for the shooter and clay shooters will find the Clay Scorer an invaluable tool.

Endorsed by the CPSA, it allows shooters to keep a log of their scores and provides a running average for their own information and it will work out their CPSA classification in all the recognised disciplines.

The ingenious tool adheres to all CPSA rules and bi-annual thresholds – it even allows for anomalous scores, just as the CPSA does. Calculating CPSA classification using their top five scores, shooters will know what their class is before the CPSA does. They can also log the venue and date to keep a true record of their shooting.

A host of other clever features includes an automatic reminder for shotgun certificate renewal.

The app is available initially on the Apple platform, for iPhone and iPad, completely free of charge until 31 December. For automatic notification of the release, sign up to the Just Cartridges email newsletter or keep an eye on their new website at www.justcartridges.com which has recently been updated and will also be easier to view in its new mobile website format.

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8 comments on “Just Cartridges launches app
  1. Iain Day says:

    Will app be available for smart phones?

  2. Iain Day says:

    Will app be available for smart phones?

  3. gabby says:

    The app will be available on the iPhone to begin with, it hasn’t been confirmed yet when it will become available on other platforms but there are plans in motion for that. Hope this helps!

  4. gabby says:

    The app will be available on the iPhone to begin with, it hasn’t been confirmed yet when it will become available on other platforms but there are plans in motion for that. Hope this helps!

  5. Scott williams says:

    I’ve eagerly awaited this app just to find it won’t load onto my 1st gen iPod touch or my blackberry torch. Bit of a disapointment. Will it be availadle for the Blackberry any time soon?

    • gabby says:

      Hi Scott, sorry to hear this! Just Cartridges are planning to make the app available on other platforms, however no details have been released as of yet. We will keep you posted

  6. Scott williams says:

    I’ve eagerly awaited this app just to find it won’t load onto my 1st gen iPod touch or my blackberry torch. Bit of a disapointment. Will it be availadle for the Blackberry any time soon?

    • gabby says:

      Hi Scott, sorry to hear this! Just Cartridges are planning to make the app available on other platforms, however no details have been released as of yet. We will keep you posted

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