DryFire’s managing director, Andrea Roach, is running an auction on the shooting simulator’s website.
Dubbed the Special DryFire 2014 Commonwealth Pack, the general public has been bidding on a DryFire dual head simulator, a gun assembly, software to cover all clay disciplines plus a selection of game layouts, as well as the projection, report generator, exercise and course designer technology. All proceeds will go to the Clay Shooting Community Crowd Funding page for England’s unfunded members of the clay shooting team.
Due to red tape, five of the 11 England athletes – Caroline Povey, Matt French, Sarah Gray, Rachel Parish and Dave Sipling – do not benefit from the same funding as six of their teammates, or the teams representing Wales and Scotland, and Andrea Roach wanted to highlight this and do something about it. She said: “I think it is outrageous that they are not getting enough funds for training – we need to be behind our shooters. England has an opportunity to be the best shooting country in the world.”
You can click here to bid on the special DryFire pack on the company’s website. If you can’t get involved in the auction, then visit the campaign page and donate whatever you can.
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