The Clay Shooting Classic DTL returns – enter today!

PrintAfter a successful debut in 2016, which saw Kath Bright walk away with the top sponsored prize of a brand new Perazzi High Tech Trap and Paul Chaplow pick up the inaugural Classic DTL title, the Clay Shooting Classic DTL returns to Bywell Shooting Ground on 25-27 August – and entries are open now!

The prestigious trophy has been the talk of the Down The Line community, especially as the competition’s format gives shooters across the classes and categories a great chance to shoot for a top sponsored prize from Perazzi.


The Italian manufacturer is back on board to offer the sponsored prize of aTrap shotgun, and the importer of the brand, RUAG Ammotec, will be working with the host Bywell Shooting Ground to make sure the winner benefits from a package trip to the factory in Italy, where a custom gun will be built to the shooter’s specifications by Perazzi’s top stockmakers.


In addition to the fantastic support from Perazzi, as a trade exhibitor at last year’s Clay Shooting Classic DTL Mercury Hearing is coming on board as an official sponsor to this year’s event. The elite hearing company will be adding £1,400 to the prize fund in vouchers that can be redeemed on whatever product you desire from one of the country’s hottest rising brands. Mercury Hearing will present £100 to the winners, £50 to the Runner Up and £25 to Third Overall in all classes and categories.

How it works

The main event will take place over two days. On Saturday, squads will shoot 100 DTL targets and do the same on Sunday. The winner of the Clay Shooting Classic DTL will be the person with the highest score over two days, and they will have their name etched onto the prestigious trophy.


The champion will go up against three other class winners over 25 clays in the Perazzi Super Shoot-Off, but that leaves one spot on the line open. It will be filled by a representative of the Ladies, Juniors, Veterans and Colts: each category winner will go into a shoot-off and the top scorer will then advance to the Perazzi Super Shoot-Off against the overall champion and other class winners, where all scores return to zero for an equal chance at the headline prize.

This format offers everyone the chance to shoot for the top sponsored shotgun, and last year, Kath Bright kept her cool to take home a brand new Perazzi High Tech. If the winner of this shoot-off already has a sponsor, the champion will still receive £3,000 in cash.

CSM107.classicdtl.08Friday’s fun

As part of the pre-lim, the popular Classic Down The Line event and Classic Doubles competition will take place on Friday for those that wish to warm up their barrels for the main event on the weekend.

The top prize for each individual event will be £250 for the High Gun. There will also be cash going to the top three shooters in each class.

For the shooters that take part in these pre-lim competitions and the Classic DTL, the Bywell 400 will return, which will see additional cash and a perpetual trophy pass through the hands of the highest combined score of all three events.

Additional shooting

John Henry’s Pool Shoot Extravaganza will be on full display throughout the long weekend, which was quite the attraction at last year’s inaugural Classic DTL.

In addition to this, Bywell Shooting Ground is using the weekend to also run the Single Barrel Weekend, which will see the English Open shot on Saturday and the British Open on Sunday.

Classic Doubles

Classic Down The Line

Clay Shooting Classic DTL

Pool Shoot Extravaganza

English Open Single Barrel

British Open Single Barrel

and more!

To make sure you get a spot at the best new DTL competition in the world, download the entry form here and return it to Bywell Shooting Ground, Bywell Farm, Felton, Northumberland, NE65 9QQ. Alternatively, email the form to or call 01670 787 827.

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