Ask the expert: Choosing a choke


Could your choke choice be pivotal to success?


I have been shooting OT and UT for a while now using my Beretta 682 Trap gun.

I have recently had it changed to multi-choke, and have been using a 5/8 choke in the bottom barrel and 3/4 in the top.

I also use 24-gram 8s in my first barrel then 24-gram 7.5s in the top.

What chokes would you advise for OT and UT please?

Ian Hull




I would suggest you continue exactly as you are. Both barrels should be breaking the targets nicely – the most important thing is that the gun fits you and your eye is looking straight down the barrel. 

Breitling British OT GP shoot - off. Breitling British OT GP 2009. Image by & copyright to; Mark Stone. +44(0)7836-691145

I think you could make your life easier by using 7.5s in both barrels, which means there is no thought or worry about having the correct shell in the correct barrel. The 7.5 shot will give plenty of speed and pellet coverage down the range. Make life as basic and simple as possible – it will only make your shooting better and easier.

If you wanted to use a pattern plate to test your cartridges and shot coverage, you could, but the clay breaks will tell you how efficiently you are breaking them just as well. Do you find that you’re shooting tiny chips off every clay? If so, you will need to think again. Broken and powder puffs of clays will show that everything is fine.

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2 comments on “Ask the expert: Choosing a choke
  1. James Spencer says:

    Sporting shooter: I have a Bettinsoli X Trail and use cyl (top) and imp cyl (bottom Barrel) Is this the best set up?
    Av: 22 hits on 50 clays.

    • Alex Habr says:

      Too open chokes for sporting, go for modified in the bottom barrel and improved modified in the top, assuming you shoot bottom barrel first, your scores will improve 50% at least, given that you keep the gun moving and you give proper lead

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